Saturday, March 10, 2007

Live like they do for a day

Last night some of Hong Kong's leading Executives and their families, came to Crossroads to experience for themselves, life in a slum.
During a 24hr period they will build their own hovel, eat slum food and experience something of what millions experience everyday, without escape.
Last night they started with a refugee run. I came in well into the game to play the part of 'dignitary' visiting. By then you could see on their faces that suddenly being thrown into a refugee situation, with soldiers, guns etc was seeming very real.
This morning after building their homes and sleeping in them, they did another simulation, one I have talked about on this Blog before, where they have to make paper bags in order to eat and pay rent. I got to reprise my role as slum lord, Mr Deepadebt, a loan shark who takes over the lives of those who can't pay their rent. For those participating these times can be life changing.
I am glad to see their hearts and hope that with this experience they will become advocates for change.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Great to read about this! I clicked on the news paper clipping in the other posting and read the name of the journalist Annemarie Evans and the name of the doctor Dick van der Tak - and that all sounds very Dutch to me (Evans is not a Dutch name, but Annemarie certainly is). Just wondering whether there are some Dutchies involved in this project. I really like what you guys are doing. Keep up the good work & blessings!