Friday, August 31, 2007

Mobile Phone Miracle?

A recent survey by Reader's Digest, set out to find out which are the honest and which are the dishonest countries when it comes to handing back lost mobile phones. You will have to look elsewhere for the results of that survey, but I note that China wasn't tested! At least as far as I can make out.
I have heard so many stories of frantic searching for lost phones in China that when I left mine in a taxi in Beijing on Monday night, I began to think about how I would now survive. You see its more than a phone it is a Treo! Purchased though the kind gift of a friend.
It is a Palm Pilot as well as a phone. It has my Diary, several translations of the Word as well as commentaries, for my daily Special Times. It also has a word processor and does service as an MP3 player. Now I know what your thinking .... he shouldn't be attached to Worldly Goods, and I guess your right, but I knew I would miss it.
But Wednesday morning I had it back. No one could believe it! Now ask any of my kids or my wife .... I am famous for losing things. My Wallet lost in a pub in Australia, My camera lost twice in quick succession in various crowded places. But the MD has been gracious and each time they have been returned.
But this time I knew I was pushing the limits.
We went out to visit the Silk Markets. A 15 Yuan trip from where we were staying. For the return I showed our driver a map showing where the Hostel was. And I guess the map wasn't to good, because when the meter hit 20 Yuan I realised we were headed for the Airport. I pulled out my phone and talked to the manager of the apartments. After a few phone calls and 50 Yuan later we were back 'home'. But I had my phone out and it must have slipped off my lap and it was morning before I realised.
Thankfully the manager had the drivers mobile number and talked to him. It was Tuesday, his day off and he lived 70km from Beijing. So after little negotiation, we arranged for him to drive us to the airport. He returned our phone and we paid him a little extra for his trouble.
A miracle I ask You?

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